National Letter Writing Week

Today begins National Letter Writing Week. 

Writing letters has become a lost art.  In a world of technology and twitter, I’m lucky to get a love “text,” let alone a love letter.  Don’t get me wrong.  I’m a big fan of technology, but there’s something special about the excitement of finding a card in your mailbox, seeing the person’s handwriting, and knowing they took the time (and money) to think of you in that way.  (This is coming from a Words of Affirmation girl, after all…) 

In honor of this nationally-recognized week, I’m challenging you to send a letter/card to someone you love.  (If you’re hard pressed to think of someone, I always love getting mail that’s not of the junk variety. :))  Tell them what they mean to you.  Update them on your life.  Send them an encouraging Bible verse. 

…after all, it’s National Letter Writing Week!

~ by Serena on January 10, 2011.

2 Responses to “National Letter Writing Week”

  1. How fantastic! Thank you for sharing. One thing that Doug has taught me is that you should always let the ones you love know how much they are loved. I try to tell everyone when I see them that I love them, because I might walk away and die in a car wreck or something (not trying to be morbid or anything). I think that letters are a powerful way of letting people know how much we love and value them. I have a box full of encouraging cards or letters that I have received, and when I am feeling down, then I can go back to those written words, to remember that I am loved and valued (and there are definitely several cards from you in that box!). I plan to go card crazy this week, as I find that when I write cards of encouragement, I realize how blessed I truly am, and I have a more grateful attitude. Thank you for this challenge!

  2. Another cool idea to keep letter writing alive is The Things Unsaid Project, found at Love this endeavor and think others in a letter writing frame of mind will find it interesting as well.

    Keep up the good work!

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