Dallas Clark #44

I saw Dallas Clark at my church a few weeks ago.  I had heard rumor that he attended Grace, but I had never seen him…

…until our Christmas Eve services.  From the moment I spotted him, his wife, and son, I was admittedly distracted.

When the service ended, he was surrounded with people.  I’m not going to be one of them, I thought.

My attention was then diverted to talking with co-workers, friends, and volunteers.  Several minutes later, once I had gathered all my belongings, I filed out of the sanctuary.  When I turned to drop my candle in the designated area (we do a candlelighting each Christmas Eve), I noticed that Dallas was right behind me.

At that point, I couldn’t NOT talk to him.  So I turned, introduced myself, and said, “I just want you to know that I pray for you when you’re on the field.” 

“Thanks,” he said as his massive hand engulfed mine. “That means a lot.”

“Merry Christmas!” I said, as I walked away with a big, goofy grin on my face.

Not only is Dallas an incredible player, he is a man of God.  I’m proud to cheer for him in the playoffs – and in life. 

Good luck this weekend, Dallas!  Go Colts!

~ by Serena on January 15, 2010.

2 Responses to “Dallas Clark #44”

  1. Cool… He has had a great season, and this will add another reason to watch for Dallas in tomorrow night’s game!! Thank you for sharing, Serena.

  2. […] that they had women’s jerseys, which were also on sale.  Low, and behold, they had one for Dallas Clark  (one of my favorite players) in my […]

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